Drop Off, Pick Up
Everyone needs to be vigilant and concerned about student safety. Adults must model correct behavior and support school safety expectations for students.
Please observe the following expectations:
- Students must be dropped off & picked up in the valet line along the sidewalk in the front parking lot along 4th.
- The valet lines move forward in two lanes from east to west.
- The line moves quickly and does not generally require a long wait to move to the front and pick up your student.
- Students will be waiting on the sidewalk in front of the playground fence or under the awning in inclement weather.
- Supervisors will place students in the cars to keep them safe from running across the parking lot and between cars.
- Please DO NOT park on 4th or Long Street and call your student across the lot. This is unsafe for children, and causes congestion and traffic hazards. For the sake of everyone's health and safety, use valet or have your child ride the bus.
- The City of Spokane Valley has placed “No Parking” signs along both sides of 4th Avenue and Long Street in the vicinity of the school. You will be ticketed if your violate the "No Parking" policy.
- Parental diligence is important during special events to monitor student safety as the congestion causes extremely limited visibility.
- If you arrive before 8:40 (M,T,W,F) or 9:40 (TH) to drop off or 3:10 to pick up, please turn off your vehicle. The parking lot is an idle free zone. Leaving your vehicle running while you wait pollutes our community.
- Do not drop students off before 8:40.